Saturday, December 13, 2008

Training in a different time zone....

Hello from NYC!!! Where the weather has been more unpredictable than Seattle, go figure. There was actually two consecutive days of rain here, and the locals were going crazy. Well, it felt like home for me, so I did what every Seattlite does...laced up the running shoes, grabbed the ipod and went for a jog. Of course my cousin helped me map out a route so I wouldn't get lost in this big city (Brooklyn)! It was raining and COLD, and I am fairly certain people thought I was crazy, but it sure felt great. I saw one other runner that day....he must have been from out of state as well.

Yesterday my Aunt and I conquered the NYC subway system without a chaperone and went into the even bigger city (Manhattan) to hit the gym for a swim. We managed to get a two week pass to the famous New York Sports Club for free, but the closest one with a pool was all the way uptown in Times took us 45min by subway...imagine what how long it would have taken us by car.

So training on the east coast has been much like training at home....cold and wet. I hear its going to be a low of 9 degrees on the west coast tonight...brrrrrrr!!! Tomorrow will be another cold and sunny day here in Brooklyn and time for another run. Training has been a little bit of challenge with a sore foot, but still far better than ever having to go through chemo!

I miss the motivation of my team...I'll see you all in another 10 days. Have fun!!!

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