Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bike/bus compromise

Yesterday I tried a new way of commuting. I biked about 1/2 way to work, and then hopped on a direct bus across the bridge. And it was pretty amazing.

When I bike the entire way to work, I have to go a lot longer route (to hit the brige with the bike lane), and it takes me close to 1.5 hours to get in, and even longer to get home, due to the route. So its pretty hard to make that big a time commitment very often, and to get up early enough to make it into work on time.

But this bike bus compromise - actually takes me about the same time as driving! And its even faster if there is traffic, and I get in some workout. I only have to bike about 4 miles to the bus stop. Officially that is barely even a workout, but I figure its fast enough I can actually do that a few times a week, and 8 miles a day, is way better than nothing! And otherwise getting in a bike ride during the week is hard, stupid sun going down early.

My goal is to do this at least twice next week, we'll see how I do.

Also - I dragged Bex along with me - sorta forgetting it was only her third time biking! To me its a very easy route, as 3 miles of it is along the burke Gilman. but there is a tiny bit of tricky street riding, and even though she was nervous she did great! So bex, lets do it again next Tuesday!

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