Friday, March 6, 2009

Random Thoughts...

The bikes ship to Hawaii a week from today and we leave for Kona about a week after that. Exciting! Yesterday morning as I witnessed yet another light & brief flurry of SNOW outside my windows, I am oh, so ready for Hawaii’s sun and 81 degrees.

THE BIKE--I caved a couple weeks ago and bought a new one. I didn’t really need to do that. Guess it was one of those “stimulate the economy” moments. I’ve only ridden it a handful of times. We’ll have hardly gotten to know each other before it boards some boat for Hawaii. After last week’s ride when two teammates had flat tires, I did hang out at the bike shop the other day to learn how to change one. If only they had AAA for bikes on the course. :)

THE WATER—I wore out a swim suit! To be fair, it was one of those “hang out at the beach” suits—not one of the bullet proof Speedos. It did survive the distances, just not my new fragrance “Eau de Chlorine”. My mile time keeps improving and I really am amazed at where I am now as a swimmer compared to where I was 5 months ago.

THE PAVEMENT--I’ve done a 7 mile run now. After 5 1/2 miles the knees started to feel it a bit. Race distance is 6 miles (10K), so I think I’ll be fine. And there’s still time for improvement…and there’s always Advil & ice…

THE GYM-- Developing opposing muscle groups, balance, flexibility, core, strength…Kind of different from the old jumping jacks, sit ups, splits, touch your toes days, and I love it!

INJURIES—Worst so far has been in the water! Who on earth gets injured in the water? One klutz entrance down the steps into the pool resulted in a nasty skinned arm and bonked elbow on the tile edge. A couple of involuntary dismounts from the bike scraped the same knee and bruised a hip. Those were at a standstill, too, after I forgot my foot was still in the toe clip on my bike pedal. That’s like getting injured in the lift line at the ski hill. Nothing to brag about…

INSPIRATION--The donations (I’m nearing my goal!!), notes, emails & good wishes from family and friends. Stories of hope, courage and fight gleaned from random meetings with people who are connected to someone with leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, or other cancers. Teammates, coaches, husband, sons & daughter-in-law who keep cheering me on---Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Hele hui!! Go team!!

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